Piece for 7 circus artists and 999 m of rope

A visual odyssey with 7 circus artists and 999 m of ropes.
(Dis) -cordes, a visual piece that untangles knots with poetry. (...) Playful, lyrical, poetic, the show is visually very successful!
Léna Martinelli - The Three Blows - December 2016
Between plastic art, acrobatics, theatrical play and dance, between bodies and strings, no part takes over. Indeed, (Dis) -cordes is “Circassian physical theater”.
Thomas Hahn - Danser CanalHistoire - December 2015
"The rope, an object conducive to all shifts which does not fail to compose a strange universe, where the tribe of the seven performers have as much fun as they disturb, cultivating the mystery as much as the imagination."
Nathalie Yokel - La Terrasse - December 2015

Co-productions : Le Théâtre d'Ivry-Antoine Vitez, Le Sirque / Pôle National des Arts du Cirque de Nexon Limousin, La Verrerie d'Alès / Pôle National Cirque Languedoc - Roussillon.
Residences : La Briqueterie - CDC Val-de-Marne, Théâtre de Châtillon, CIRCa-national center of circus arts in Auch, Le Nouveau Relax - Chaumont, Maison des Jonglages - La Courneuve, L'Entre-Pont - Nice, Le Moulin de l'Étang - Billom.
With the help of the Ministry of Culture / DGCA, the DRAC Île-de-France, the Departmental Council of Val-de-Marne, ADAMI and SPEDIDAM.
With the support of : Association Beaumarchais-SACD, La Coupole - Scène nationale de Sénart and 2R2C / ARCADI (Plateaux Solidaires)
Travel diary
Illustrated book around creation

This book is a sensitive and poetic testimony to the creation of the show (Dis) strings. A testimony of words, drawings of a spectacle in the making ...
It was driven by the designer of the (Dis) -cordes project , Jive Faury. Based on observations of working sessions, novelist Roger Wallet and graphic designer Sengà la Rouge, made it an object of creation parallel to the stage work, thus participating and nourishing the creation of the show.
This book was published with the support of the Beaumarchais-SACD association.